
PGAA Design specializes in designing exceptional hospitality experiences, spanning from urban hotel architecture to masterplanning extensive resort properties

Iloilo Provincial Capitol

Bonifacio Drive, Iloilo City

The iloilo Provincial Capitol complex needed to be rationalized in terms of pedestrian and vehicular circulation. Navigating the labyrinthian complex was difficult for the public, and spaces between buildings were underutilized. The challenge was to consolidate the many layers of architectural history, improve the site’s capacity for parking, enhance circulation and public access, bring back green open spaces, and ultimately create a setting for a unified complex of buildings exuding a strong civic identity.

We first identified all the key landmarks—Casa Real, the Museo Iloilo, the main building, and the old Jail. We then analyzed the site circulation and proposed new layouts for pedestrians and vehicles, minimizing conflicts and maximizing connectivity, especially for the general public. We proposed a new parking building, freeing up a large portion of the site. This yielded two large open spaces—a revived park planted with Iloilo trees, and an event space with a stage, located beside the re-purposed jail.

Rationalizing the complex’s spaces also allowed us to create a central plaza, bringing back views of the Museo Iloilo and the front façade of the main provincial building. This now hosts weekly flag-raising ceremonies and other gatherings, which previously had to be held in the parking lot.

The renovated complex now has a strong civic identity and sense of place. The new site layout and landscape design presents a unified aesthetic, while preserving the layered history of the site. Finally, we suggested the incorporation of public art, a mural of the history of the province, to be chosen via a competition open to Illongo artists. With the completion of this mural, the integrated complex was inaugurated in December of 2019.